1/8 of the way Reflections Haley

I would grade my effort a 3/4. Which translates to roughly a B. I think that describes my level of participation thus far. I have been putting a lot of brainpower into this task and not getting distracted very often. I used a lunch period to work on our Sukkah model I don’t think I have been A worthy because to get an A, you have to be nearly perfect and I know that while I was very good my effort was not perfect because sometimes I would offer comments to my friends and start talking. Good, but not great. There are measures I could have taken to get an A, but I didn’t.

I would grade my achievement a 3.5/4, or a 7/8 because I think I achieved more than the effort I put into it. I have planned a Sukkah model, came up with a supply list, and started to prototype the actual Sukkah. I (as a class) am in good shape. As usual though, good not great. There have been many distractions and we could have been maybe a days work farther, but we aren’t. But we’re doing okay.

In total, I grade myself a 3.25/4 stars or 81.25%. A passing grade but there are still corrections. Using Gev. Milbecks grading system, I have mastered most of the skills but there is still work to do. A B but not an A, 3/4 but not 4/4.

How we made our Sukkah

First, we planned the scale we were going to use, how far away the supports were going to be, and the dimensions. Then we started cutting and gluing popsicle sticks that were 8 inches. Afterward we started to make the walls and we glued the cut popsicle sticks to the walls to model support beams. Then we started putting the Sukkah on it’s feet. Duct taping each wall together it started to finally look at a Sukkah. Then we started using pipe cleaner Skach support. Our Sukkah is something you should be able to use year after year. The walls of our prototype have started to cave in a bit, but it’s all good.js-sukkah-portotype

Me and Teamwork

I think I am best at Listening. While I am certainly not perfect at any of the categories, I am best at adding to others’ ideas and contradicting them. Sure, sometimes I talk the whole time or not at all, but something is better than less of something. When I do perform to my potential at listening, the effect is nothing short of amazing. I usually (with the help of my teammates) come up with something descriptive and effective.

I also think I’m worst at Interdependence. I am a naturally independent person, so to depend on other people always has been a struggle for me. Sometimes I will try to do the whole thing myself, leaving others the smallest of tasks and not taking their ideas to help. I give others tasks without telling them why or filling them in on what we are doing.

Nevertheless, each day I continue to get better and better, listening to others’ ideas and adding my input.


Sukkah plans and Reflection Haley

js-picSo here is our Sukkah plans. The camera is backwards, but each graph paper square represents 2ft. The total dimensions will be 8x20x20. The base will be 20×20 and the height is 8ft. The front will have a panel on each side that is 4ft wide. The entryway is 12ft. Atop the entry way there is a plank of wood that is being supported by a support stick on either side. Maybe we could have the kindergartners make paper chains to hang on the support sticks. The other three sides are 8ft tall and have a width of 20ft. The top has support beams every three feet that would be beneficial to hang skach.

I think this is a very good Sukkah plan. There is nothing overly complicated. It shouldn’t be too hard to build and has enough support to hold it up. I think the height is good because it’s not too short tall people would have to bend their head, but it’s not too tall that you can’t reach it to hang designs. There will be enough room inside the Sukkah to put a table and chairs and still be able to move around freely. Overall, It should be a very enjoyable Sukkot. I’m excited!